My first Splash-in
(by Sarah Wolfe – Aeronautical Engineering student, Purdue University)

I have only been involved in aviation for a few years, but funnily enough, I can’t ever remember a time when I haven’t been fascinated by seaplanes. Every time I watch one takeoff I am entranced by the way they glide gracefully across the water, skim, hop, and finally take to the air. The 2019 Splash-In at Essington Seaplane Base was my first chance to see the magic up close. Announcing their arrival with the quiet rumblings of an engine from afar or twinkling like a small speck on the horizon, the seaplane arrivals captured the attention of attendees who quickly ran to the banks to watch them land and taxi up the ramp onto the grass. Throughout the day, I had the opportunity to watch planes land and takeoff, talk with pilots about their experiences and hear their stories, and enjoy a fun day of plane spotting with good food and good people. I am encouraged by the dedication to revitalizing the seaplane community in the Philadelphia area so that generations to come can continue to be captivated by this unique aspect of the general aviation community. Keep your eyes open for news about upcoming seaplane events – they’re sure to make a big splash!

Photos: TBD